This high-quality series of monographs edited by "LA BANCARELLA AERONAUTICA"
is exclusively devoted to Italian WW2 aircraft. The series is edited by Giorgio
Apostolo, the best known and most respected Italian Aviation Historian and
the author of several authoritative texts. The volumes contain
text in both English and Italian and contain the history of each aircraft and a technical
description of the planes.
Each book is lavishly illustrated with drawings from original instruction manuals and
never before seen photos. Technical drawings ( 6-views ) are provided in both
1/72 and 1/48 scales; colour profiles, views and cockpit interiors are also provided.
Size 210 x 297. 50+ pgs.
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Ali D'Italia Vol. 26, IDROCORSA MACCHI Schneider Cup Racers
This is the most exciting and highly anticipated volume of this famous series of monographs.
This is a SPECIAL issue of the Ali d'Italia collection. It is an historical synthesis of the seaplane
racers built by Macchi from 1925 through 1931 for the Schneider Trophy, the best known competition for
hydroplanes. The text is by Giorgio Apostolo and Gianni Cattaneo, two names
that are synonymous with accurate historical research. The 96 pages of the book are profusely
illustrated with over 120 photographs, 34 plates of scale
drawings and b&w /color views. It is the best coverage with many never before published photos of
the very impressive Italian thoroughbreds (M33, M39, M52, M67 and
MC72) and of the men who piloted them.
The text is fully bilingual (Italian and English) with 95 pages of text and over 100 photos and
many high quality color profiles.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 17 CANT Z.501
The workhorse of Italian air/sea rescue and recon, the Cant Z.501 served long and despite
a slow speed, is generally considered high a performance aircraft establishing several long distance
records on its maiden flights. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 13 Aermacchi MB.326
The MB.326 is a two seat trainer/light-attack aircraft and is one of the most widely
used training aircraft in the world meeting with some considerable commercial
success. Used by the AMI and exported to many countries, both as a trainer and as a
strike aircraft, the MB.326 has been considered a complete aeronautical success.
Using the latest equipment available, the MB.326 re-established the reputation
of Macchi and the Italian aircraft industry in general.
Possessing good flight characteristics and no vices, it paved the way for
the MB.339A. 64 Pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 5 CANT Z.506
The Z.506 was a large 3-engine floatplane originally designed for commercial use,
and the "Airone"
(Heron) as it was christened would became one of the premier maritime aircraft of WWII. Setting many speed,
altitude and distance records prior to the war, the Airone was first used as
a level/torpedo bomber and then used for recon and escort duties.
It was also produced in an air/sea rescue
configuration being flown in this manner by both the Italians and Germans.
An attractive floatplane able to land in Force 4 winds and take-off in Force 5 winds.
48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia - Vol. 29 - SM.81 Pipistrello (Bat)
The latest issue of the "Ali d'Italia" collection is dedicated to one of the most famous
Italian military aircraft - the S.81 "Pipistrello" (Bat) - built in over 540 units by Savoia
Marchetti and other important Italian aircraft manufacturers. The concise text by Franco Farina
supplies the whole story of this aircraft from its origin, the development and its employment
in the Ethiopian Campaign and the Spanish Civil War, up to its transport operational role
with the Regia Aeronautica and also by the Luftwaffe in the course of World War Two. This
64-page monograph, with plastic-coated cover, features beautiful colour plates and
technical drawings by Angelo Brioschi and over 100 b&w illustrations. This
new publication will be much appreciated by historians and modellers (the colour
schemes and technical details supplied can be profitably used for the recently released
Italeri kit of the S.81).
64 pages, 100 B&W photos, 10 color photos, many new profiles and drawings.
This is a SPECIAL ISSUE of the Ali d'Italia collection covering the SM.79.
This replaces Ali D'Italia #9 (SM.79 Part I) and Ali D'Italia #11 (SM.79 Part II)
which are both Out-Of-Print (OOP). Completely revised with many new color profiles
and additional material. This issue is NOT a synthesis of Part I and Part II but rather
a new book with many new photos, profiles and historcial data. An absolute must have
for collectors and modellers.
SM.79 Special Issue: 120 pages, 60 B&W photos, 10 color photos, many new
profiles and drawings.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 21 SM.84
The SM.84 was designed to replace the SM.79. Although the SM.84 was modern and generally a better airplane
it was not as an ideal combat aircraft like its predecessor. The 309 aircraft
manufactured however put in a good showing in the Mediterranean until
the 1943 armistice. Some SM.84s were used in transport units after the war and remained in
service until 1948. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 8 Macchi C.200
After devoting much of its efforts to winning many of the Schneider
Trophy Races, AerMacchi and it's chief designer Mario Castoldi produced
their first monoplane fighter, the C.200. With finger light handling and its unique
wing design, the C.200 was an extremly maneuverability aicraft with good speed.
The MC.200 was consistently able to get on the tail of Hurricanes, P-40's and early Spitfires.
56 pages.
This is the second volume of the two-part monograph regarding the famous FIAT two-engine
bomber. This volume presents full coverage of the aircraft's operational life from
the bombing runs on England with the CAI (Corpo Aereo Italiano), to the
Balkans campaign, North Africa, Russia and the air training schools until
the development of the new BR20 bis. The well researched text by
Paolo Waldis includes the technical description of the aircraft. The scale
drawings and profile colours are by the well known artist Angelo Brioschi. A
modelling note by Marino de Bortoli is also included. The text is fully
bilingual (italian and english).
The monograph consists of 56 pages, 80 b&w photographs.
The Ro. 43/44 series of floatplanes were developed for use by the
Italian navy as reconnaissance and spotter aircraft. Rugged and reliable,
the Ro.43/44 served the Italian Navy well throughout its' service life. This
monograph, because of the nature of the aircraft chronicled, gives the reader
much information about the combat activities of the Regia Marina. Used on
both battleships and cruisers, the Ro.43/44 saw action in every naval
engagement of the RM. 56 Pages.
The Ca.133 was a mid-thirties design for transport and miltary use in the
Italian Colonies. The aircraft was rugged and its exploits in the Italian Eastern
African colonies were legendary. The Ca.133 was used on several other fronts, mainly
as a transport aircraft including use on the Russian Front and over the English Channel. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 27 Aermacchi C.205
This new monograph by G. Apostolo, G. Cattaneo and G. Massimello, is a full coverage of the
last Italian WW2 fighter which, though produced in a limited number of units to cope with
the war demand, had successfully served in Northern Italy with the ANR (Aeronautica Nazionale
Repubblicana) as well as in the South of Italy with the Co-Belligerant Air Force, then
concluding its operational career with the Egyptian Air Force in the first Arab-Israeli war.
The format is the same as that of the other issues in the same collection (origin and
development of the design, operational history, technical description) integrated with
high-quality photographs many of which are never before published. This monograph is supplemented
by extensively researched material and contains a complete list of ALL the C.205s
produced with corresponding serial numbers.
Ali D'Italia N. 27 Aermacchi C.205. 64 pgs., 21 x 29,7 cm, plastic coated cover.
Over 80 photographs and technical drawings, detailed three-view scale drawings,
15 color views.
MACCHI C.202 (by Giorgio Apostolo, Gianni Cattaneo and Giovanni Massimello)
Some ten years ago these authors published the first monograph on the Macchi C.202, Ali d'Italia No.2,
now long since
out of print. This new monograph No.22 is
a completely updated work, with fully revised text (improved and extended), updated line drawings
in two scales (1/72 and 1/48); the book also includes four new colour profiles as well as updated colour profiles based
on new information. Both the colour profiles and the line drawings are done by the well known artist
Roberto Gualdoni. The number of illustrations has been increased significantly from 80 to 140 as well as the
the number of pages 64
(56 in the old edition). Text is bilingual (Italian-English). Modelling notes are also included.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 23 Fiat BR.20
FIAT BR.20 Part 1 (by Paolo Waldis and Ferdinando Pedriali). This is the first of
a two-part monograph on the well known twin-engine bomber, dealing specifically with the aircraft
of the first series (those aircraft used in the Spanish Civil War and supplied to the Japanese Air Force).
This monograph deserves much attention since very scarce information has been presented in a printed form
until now. This monograph consists of 56 pages with a great deal of never-published-before photographs,
specially-crafted colour profiles and scale drawings by the great Angelo Brioschi. The well researched
text is bilingual (Italian and English). The second part of this monograph will be printed in the near
future and will deal with the BR.20s used in the second World War.
The FIAT CR.32 emerged as the most successful combat aircraft of the Spanish Civil War,
achieving considerable success over more modern types such as the I-16. Adored
by its pilots, the FIAT CR.32 was used extensively by Spanish Nationalist forces
and the Regia Aeronautica. These fighters would go on to dominate the skies of Spain
and would see continued service in Spain, Italy and elsewhere for many more years. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 24 CAPRONI Ca 311-314
This new and well researched publication deals with the twin-engined reconnaissance aircraft
designed by Ing. Cesare Pallavicino and produced in the hundreds by the Caproni Factory of
Ponte S. Pietro (Bergano) and of Taliedo between 1939 and 1944. The Ca.311-314 were allotted
to dozens of aerial reconnaissance squadrons and were also sold to the air forces of foreign
countries such as Sweden, Yugoslavia and Germany. This new volume contains a great number
of never before published photographs. The specially commissioned colour profiles are rendered by
the well known artist Richard Caruana and present aircraft both in Italian makings as well as
markings of foreign users. The accurate five-view drawings are also by Richard Caruana,
while the very useful technical drawings originate from the aircraft instruction manual.
All the historical and technical information are researched by Giorgio Apostolo,
the most respected aeronautical researcher of Italian WWII aircraft. This monograph consists
of 56 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 14 SM.82
The SM.82 was the first aircraft in the world designed and built as a military
transport aircraft. It was a complete project involving both the Italian Army
and Air Force, as well as the national airline. As well as payload considerations,
armament and bomb loads were also designed into the aircraft. Capable of carrying 82
paratroopers, the SM.82 could also carry a Fiat CR.42 fighter and did so, re-supplying
the East African colonies with 50 fighters. Flying the longest combat flight to date,
on October 19, 1940 four SM.82's bombed the Manama oil refineries in Bahrain with a
total of 400 X 15 kilogram incendiary bombs. They flew 4200 kilometers in 15 hours
and 30 minutes with no losses. Its' reputation was such that the Luftwaffe ordered
300 and used them extensively on all fronts. 56 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 19 Breda 88
This sleek and very fast twin engined aircraft was designed as a long range heavy fighter,
however the Ba.88 was not a successful military aircraft despite
having established several distance and speed records prior to WWII. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 15 Piaggio P.108
The Piaggio P.108 was designed to fulfill the Regia Aeronautica's concept of a heavy
4 engine strategic bomber. Completely modern in its design, it featured two remotely
controlled gun turrets mounted on the wings behind the outer engines with 2 X 12.7mm machine
guns in each turret. It was capable of carrying a 2000 kilogram (4400 pound) bombload at distance and
was the aircraft Bruno Mussolini used as his "signature" aircraft. The P.108 took part in night
raids on Gibralter and flew combat missions throughout the Mediterranean theater.
Unfortunately for Italy, sufficient quantities of these powerful aircraft were never built
due to a chronic shortage of materials. A transport version was also built
and used by the Luftwaffe. 56 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 1 Fiat CR.42 Falco
This was the best biplane fighter of World War II. Highly maneuverable and fairly fast, the
CR.42 was put into good effect during the early phases of the war. Used by
the Regia Aeronautica only briefly as a frontline fighter until the Italian monoplane designs were ready,
the CR.42 acquitted itself well and soldiered on through the rest of the war as a ground attack
aircraft and night fighter. The CR.42 was also sold in fairly large numbers to Belgium,
Hungary and Sweden and was used by the Luftwaffe who resumed production of this aircraft
well into 1944. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 2 Macchi C.202
**PLEASE SEE Ali D'Italia Vol. 22**
One of the best fighter aircraft of WWII, the MC.202 possessed a great rate
of climb and straight line speed. The MC.202 was the equivalent of the Spitfire Mk.V
and was completely superior to the Kittyhawk and Hurricanes in which it encountered
in North Africa and elsewhere. The MC.202 was likely the best fighter in the Axis
inventory in 1941-42 and was flown by many Regia Aeronautica aces including Teresio
Martinoli and Franco Lucchini. 56 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 3 Macchi Re.2001
Not quite as well known as the MC.202 or prodcued in the same numbers, the Re.2001 Falco II
was a modern interceptor used by the Regia Aeronautica over Malta and in the convoy battles of the Mediterranean.
The Re.2001 was the equivalent of the P-40, Hurricanes and early Spifires and might have
had a greater influence in the aerial battles of 1942 had it been produced in larger numbers.
48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 6 FIAT G.50
The Fiat G.50 was the first all metal monoplane fighter for the Regia Aeronuatica
and was a typical transition aircraft.
Its final design reflected the preference of RA pilots for unrestricted
view. This requirement brought about the "hump" which characterized both the "Arrow"
and the Macchi C.200. Its service record was good,
and the design would eventually lead to the Fiat G.55, one of the best fighters of WWII.
In the hands of the Finns, the G.50 sported a 50-1 kill ratio against the Soviets.
48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 7 Breda Ba.65
This ground attack aircraft was literally pulled from the scrapyards and put into action.
Unpopular at first since it was difficult to fly, the Ba.65
proved itself in action in North Africa. With an interesting and varied history, it was flown by one of the
great Italian fighter aces, Adriano Visconti. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 9 SM.79 Part I
In service for all of WWII, this aircraft along with the Cant Z.1007
was the most popular bomber in the mind of the Italian public who lionized its pilots
and crews. The "Damned Hunchback" as it was fondly known, could absorb much
punishment. Highly maneuverable for a large aircraft,
during a competition in Argentina, the test pilot of a SM.79 after being challenged, flew four
consecutive loops with it. Part I covers the SM.79 development as a civilian
aircraft and the early war years as a level bomber. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 10 FIAT G.55
The G.55 was the equivalent of the Mustang, Spitfire and Focke-Wulf 190-D9.
Fast, heavily armed and highly maneuverable,
it was effective against Allied bomber forces. Built in too few numbers to have a significant effect,
it established itself as a premier fighter and was built in several variants and continued
to be built after the war. 56 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 11 SM.79 Part II
With no Italian aircraft carriers available, the S.79 was pressed into service as a torpedo bomber
and became the scourge of the British Mediterranean fleet. Sinking 700,000 tons of
merchant shipping and warships including the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle, the S.79 left
an indeliable mark on those who came into contact with it.
Many previously unpublished photos of aircraft and crew. 48 pages.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 16 Re.2005
Considered the most beautiful fighter of WWII, this powerful aircraft, heavily armed,
extremely fast and maneuverable could have tilted the balance of airpower in the
Mediterranean. 56 pages with laminated cover. Contains many photos, line drawings
and color profiles with technical and historical information.
Shipping Location
Price, CAD
Ali D'Italia Vol. 18 CANT Z.1007
The Regia Aeronautica's second most widely used bomber of WWII. Fast, modern and with a good
payload, these bombers put in a good showing in the Mediterranean during WWII. Without payload,
the Z.1007 could reach a maximum speed of 350 mph in 1941. 64 pages.