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The Online Magazine of the Regia Aeronautica and the
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana

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AerMacchi C.202-205 Folgore-Veltro - HB0078
Warpaint Series No 78

With the introduction into service of the Macchi C.202 Folgore and the C.205 Veltro the Regia Aeronautica had caught up with the major combatants of WWII. The C.202 and C.205 are considered by many to be the most elegant fighters ever produced, and proved to be excellent dogfighters possessing superb speed and maneuverability. While the C.202 was widely employed within the Italian air force during the two years of combat between its introduction in July 1941 and Italy’s Armistice of 8 September 1943, the C.205 saw limited service after its introduction. It was to become a protagonist once more in Northern Italy serving with the ANR. Apart from their pleasing aesthetic features, these fighters provide modelers with a wide choice of color schemes and markings, and this volume catalogs available kits, accessories and decals. Illustrated with 60 full color profiles, 57 b/w photos and unique 1/72nd scale plans. War Paint Series No 78; Caruana; 38 pages.

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CANADA US $33.99

Fiat G.91 - HB0049
Warpaint Series No 49

Richard J. Caruana. Developed in the early 1950s to participate in the NATO tender for a lightweight fighter, the G.91 was designed by Giuseppe Gabrielli (who also designed the Fiat G.55), and drew his inspiration from the F-86 Sabre, then produced under license by FIAT. While there was no follow-up to the NATO tender (won, as it would turn out, by the G.91), the aircraft nevertheless went into production and was ordered by both the Aeronautica Militare Italiana and the Luftwaffe; some G.91s were later ceded by Germany (reluctunatly) to the Portuguese air force and it was here that they first saw action during operations in Angola. With the Aeronautica Militare Italiana the G.91 had a long career with both operative squadrons and the country’s aerobatic team, the Frecce Tricolori. The last planes were withdrawn from service in 1992. Illustrated with 50+ color photos + 30+ color profiles; 36 pages.

Editors review: This book is jam-packed with information. The book provides a complete history of the plane and chronicles its use with the AMI, Luftwaffe and Portuguese Air Force. Included are a plethora of high-quality color profiles and photographs. A must read for G.91 enthusiasts. Highly recommended.

Related Items:
1. Heller Fiat G91 R1/R3 'Gina' - 1/48 - HR0433
2. Italeri FIAT G91 R1/R3 - 1/48 - ITA2645
3. AviationGraphic - FIAT G-91 PAN 1981 - JP-625

Shipping Location Price, CAD
CANADA US $34.99

Savoia Marchetti S.79 Sparviero
Warpaint Series No 61

Richard J. Caruana. One of the best bombers of WWII and the Regia Aeronautica's main torpedo/bomber. The versatile trimotor was initially blooded in the Spanish civil war, lead the bombing assault on Malta and was adapted as a torpedo carrying aircraft. This excellently illustrated reference describes the S.79's service history in detail and provides color plan and many profile views. Also includes 1/72nd scale drawings and comprehensive notes on available kits and accessories. Illustrated with 50 b/w and 10 color photos; 36 pages.

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Shipping Location Price, CAD
CANADA US $34.99

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